We Level Up Your IT

The Cloud Provider

We Level Up Your IT

The Cloud Provider

Lukáš Kučera, CEO, The Cloud Provider I LinkedIn
Veronika Chodlová, COO, The Cloud Provider
Pavel Pábl, CTO, The Cloud Provider
Martin Lopušný, CSO, The Cloud Provider
Pavla Vrbová, Marketing Specialist, The Cloud Provider
Jan Hes, Senior IT Specialist, The Cloud Provider
Václav Houdek, IT Specialist, The Cloud Provider
Michal Kuřátko, IT Specialist, The Cloud Provider
Vojtěch Knébl, IT Specialist, The Cloud Provider
Jan Veselý, IT Specialist, The Cloud Provider
Adam Kuba, Business Specialist, The Cloud Provider

Cloud Infrastructure

as a Service


Application Development

as a Service


Team of Technicians

as a Service


Internet of Things

as a Service


Computing Resources

as a Service


Application Development

as a Service


Team of Technicians

as a Service


Internet of Things

as a Service

Our Customers Say About Us

Our Customers Say About Us

We Are Professionals

Thanks to the experience and knowledge of our team, we build effective IT for our customers

Our team developed with the needs of the market and in 2013 we managed to complete the data center in Písek. We finished that from the ground up on our own. Then we added outsourcing services – a lot of companies had their own servers at that time. But market predictions clearly pointed to a shift towards the cloud. While everyone was developing virtual private servers, we came up with the concept of a virtual data center – better features for less money. To make our services complete, we complement them with 24/7 supervision and monitoring services.

Digitization did not stop, so we threw ourselves into the Internet of Things. We followed the path of a universal platform with full services regardless of the providers of the other components. We don’t want our customers to feel trapped by vendor lock-in. This is also why we build custom integrations and applications on our cloud – open technologies, open options. And because we are increasingly aware of the need for companies to understand their operations and adapt their IT to it, our engineers are available for analysis and architecture design.

We Are Professionals

Thanks to the experience and knowledge of our team, we build effective IT for our customers

Our team developed with the needs of the market and in 2013 we managed to complete the data center in Písek. We finished that from the ground up on our own. Then we added outsourcing services – a lot of companies had their own servers at that time. But market predictions clearly pointed to a shift towards the cloud. While everyone was developing virtual private servers, we came up with the concept of a virtual data center – better features for less money. To make our services complete, we complement them with 24/7 supervision and monitoring services.

Digitization did not stop, so we threw ourselves into the Internet of Things. We followed the path of a universal platform with full services regardless of the providers of the other components. We don’t want our customers to feel trapped by vendor lock-in. This is also why we build custom integrations and applications on our cloud – open technologies, open options. And because we are increasingly aware of the need for companies to understand their operations and adapt their IT to it, our engineers are available for analysis and architecture design.

Why Should You Join Forces With Us?

We can solve very non-standard and unique customer problems
24/7, professionally and proactively

Solution for Every Circumstance

Thanks to many years of expertise, we can find the right intersection of IT products and services that will lead to maximum efficiency at an exceptional price.

Complete Company View

“My feet are swollen, but the real problem is a sick heart” – that’s exactly the attitude we have. We don’t just look on the surface, we go all the way into the depth of company IT and processes.

Preventing problems

Our team specializes in a complete analysis of the IT needs of the given company in order to propose a solution that best suits not only the current needs, but also the direction of the given company.

Extreme Scalability

We are ready for everything, and our technicians will help customers with all changes, whether they are related to increases in performance, volume or types of services.

Why Should You Join Forces With Us?

We can solve very non-standard and unique customer problems
24/7, professionally and proactively

Solution for Every Circumstance

Thanks to many years of expertise, we can find the right intersection of IT products and services that will lead to maximum efficiency at an exceptional price.

Complete Company View

“My feet are swollen, but the real problem is a sick heart” – that’s exactly the attitude we have. We don’t just look on the surface, we go all the way into the depth of company IT and processes.

Preventing problems

Our team specializes in a complete analysis of the IT needs of the given company in order to propose a solution that best suits not only the current needs, but also the direction of the given company.

Extreme Scalability

We are ready for everything, and our technicians will help customers with all changes, whether they are related to increases in performance, volume or types of services.

Vzdálená podpora pomocí TeamViewer

Abychom vám poskytli co nejefektivnější pomoc, využíváme program TeamViewer. Poté, co odsouhlasíte EULA a přístup technika, náš kolega má možnost navigovat se v prostředí vašeho přístroje, aby co nejrychleji odhalil, kde je problém. Tento přístup po vyřešení problému technik odpojuje, takže už do vašeho počítače nevidí, dokud mu příště přístup neodsouhlasíte.

Software TeamViewer stahujte až po konzultaci s našimi techniky. Nikdy nedávejte své přihlašovací ani jiné citlivé údaje ostatním, jediné údaje, které můžete při tomto řešení potřebovat, je ID a osobní kód v rámci softwaru TeamViewer.

TeamViewer Remote Assistance

To provide you with the most efficient help, we utilize the TeamViewer software. After you agree to the EULA and the technician access, our colleague has the abilitiy to navigate in the environment of your device to find as soon as possible where the problem us. This access is disconnected by the technician after the problem is resolved so he no longer can see the insides of your device until you aprove his access the next time. 

Download the TeamViewer sotware after you have consulted our technicians. Never give your login information or any other sensitive information to others. The only credentials you will need for the resolution of your problem is the ID and a personal code within the TeamViewer software.





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to Your Needs

We Tailor an Offer Specifically
to Your Needs

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We will be happy to talk about a solution fitting your needs

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We will be happy to talk about a solution fitting your needs

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We will be happy to talk about a solution fitting your needs

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We will be happy to talk about a solution fitting your needs

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We will be happy to talk about a solution fitting your needs

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We will be happy to talk about a solution fitting your needs

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