

Flexible use of cloud from different providers​



Flexible use of cloud from different providers​

Adapting Cloud Architecture To Individual Activities​

Multiple Clouds, One Dashboard

Lock-in Prevention

Utilizing a multicloud architecture approach minimizes dependency on a single cloud infrastructure provider. For each workload, we help you find the right environment for efficient operations. You get a dashboard with your cloud platform that lets you manage AWS, Azure, GCP, Tanzu, and Proxmox in addition to OpenStack.

Efficient Scaling

Multicloud flexibility is not limited to the ability to scale up or increase the number of servers within a single provider environment. By connecting to multiple providers, the architecture can be expanded across the Internet and the globe. In addition, an auto-scaling feature ensures that additional resources are started when needed.

Waste Minimization

Multicloud allows you to control computing resources across providers. It gives you the ability to fully consolidate IT, thus eliminating computing resources that would be left unused. This way, activities don’t have extra resources wasted just in case and are efficiently utilized in the form of virtual machines and Kubernetes clusters with automatic load balancing.

International Reach

Multicloud unlocks the ability to create identical clones of the same app in different locations, allowing one app to adapt to the traffic of a given location, but all managed on a single dashboard. That way, data is always stored where it’s needed. The environment is operating with maximum quality for your customers and maximum efficiency for you.

Multicloud Automation Examples

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Professional Consultation​

Our colleague, who is an expert in cloud infrastructure, will discuss the possibilities of applying multicloud in your company.


Every activity within your company has its own needs. If IT is chosen to be mediocre, then costs are not optimized. However, if a business approaches its activities individually, then the best fit environment can be selected for each and then all managed through a single dashboard.

Not necessarily, because everything can be managed through one clear dashboard. Normally you would have to go to each console separately, but with multicloud you have one console for all environments.

One option is to use multicloud to manage environments from different providers. It is also possible to use cross-provider Kubernetes clusters that are not dependent on the environment provider and can be run regardless of what is running underneath them.

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Vzdálená podpora pomocí TeamViewer

Abychom vám poskytli co nejefektivnější pomoc, využíváme program TeamViewer. Poté, co odsouhlasíte EULA a přístup technika, náš kolega má možnost navigovat se v prostředí vašeho přístroje, aby co nejrychleji odhalil, kde je problém. Tento přístup po vyřešení problému technik odpojuje, takže už do vašeho počítače nevidí, dokud mu příště přístup neodsouhlasíte.

Software TeamViewer stahujte až po konzultaci s našimi techniky. Nikdy nedávejte své přihlašovací ani jiné citlivé údaje ostatním, jediné údaje, které můžete při tomto řešení potřebovat, je ID a osobní kód v rámci softwaru TeamViewer.

TeamViewer Remote Assistance

To provide you with the most efficient help, we utilize the TeamViewer software. After you agree to the EULA and the technician access, our colleague has the abilitiy to navigate in the environment of your device to find as soon as possible where the problem us. This access is disconnected by the technician after the problem is resolved so he no longer can see the insides of your device until you aprove his access the next time. 

Download the TeamViewer sotware after you have consulted our technicians. Never give your login information or any other sensitive information to others. The only credentials you will need for the resolution of your problem is the ID and a personal code within the TeamViewer software.





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