Technical data sheet

Architectural diagram of component layering

Web GUI Horzion

The user interface for working with virtual resources assigned within an OpenStack project. Allows complete freedom in creating a cloud infrastructure through an IaaS approach.

Automated Kubernetes

A Web-based user interface that is used to deploy containerized applications to the cluster, troubleshoot application problems, and manage the cluster itself and its services.

Linux CLIs

Easy to use command line to control all APIs with simple commands.

User authn. & authz.

Processes that ensure that the user is allowed access to the environment, and in a subsequent step, permissions to access the modules are confirmed. Using the OpenStack Identity service.

OpenStack APIs

API that allows you to create scripts that enable automated deployment of hardware resources in the data center.

Compute & Images API

API for extending environment management capabilities within compute resources and templates.

Network API

API to extend networking capabilities.

Block Storage API

API to extend the possibilities of working with block storage.

Compute Drivers

Drivers for selecting between different types of hypervisors on which the compute layer will run.

Network Drivers

Drivers for interconnecting external network systems in the OpenStack kernel

Block Storage Drivers

Drivers for connecting block storage to external systems.

CI/CD Tools

Pillars of a DevOps approach that reduces the time required from the development phase to the deployment phase of the software in question. This enables the integration of high quality and tested software into the production version of services in a short time.


A distributed memory object caching system that accelerates dynamic web applications by lightening the database load.


A standardized mechanism for interacting with directory servers. It is used to authenticate and store information about users, groups, and applications.


Metrics as a Service Storage and indexing of time series data and sources on a large scale.


Automation service for processes involving physical machines, virtual machines or containers.


A REST API designed to securely store, provide, and manage secret information such as passwords, encryption keys, or certificates.


Block storage service for OpenStack. It presents stored resources to the end user that can be processed by a compute project.


The Object Storage Project offers cloud storage software that can store and retrieve large amounts of data using a simple API.


Policies as a Service A project offering control and compliance management for dynamic infrastructure within any set of cloud services.


Project for providing virtual servers including API for each image.


Network Connectivity as a Service A project that enables management between interfaces managed by different OPenStack services.


Software-defined storage that implements object storage in a single distributed compute cluster and provides interfaces for object, block, and file-level storage. Used for completely distributed operation without single-point-of-failure.


A data collection service that enables the normalization and transformation of data across current key components to support future components of the environment.


NoSQL document-oriented database


Implementation of a distributed open source virtual multilayer switch. The main purpose is to provide a switch for a hardware virtualization environment while supporting multiple protocols and standards used in computer networks.


NoSQL document-oriented database


A service that coordinates activities and statuses between services.


A major orchestration project that allows the deployment of instances, volumes, and other services using YAML-based templates.


A driver that is part of the cluster and manages communication toward different services.


The most common virtualization driver for OpenStack.


An API service to deploy Docker and Kubernetes on OpenStack.


A service providing a template-based orchestration for describing cloud applications.


A project that enables the provisioning of physical machines in a cloud-wide environment.

Octavia Worker

Implement load balancing for the cluster using standard routing protocols. Load balancing improves the distribution of workloads across multiple computing resources, such as a computer cluster, network connections, central processing units, or storage. The purpose of load balancing is to optimize resource utilization, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overloading any single resource.


NoSQL document-oriented database


A cloud-based operating system that manages compute, storage, and network resources in the data center, all managed and provisioned through APIs with common authentication mechanisms.


CI/CD tool for managing specialties across cloud services


Helm for installing and updating Kubernetes


A service mediating alerts sent by the Prometheus server.


It allows teams and team members to collaborate and work on different projects instead of managing multiple development threads across different tools. Provides a single data repository, one user interface, and one permissions model. Allows teams to collaborate with a flexible work environment and quickly focus on building software.


It helps to identify successful patterns and combinations of technologies for creating production infrastructure.


An intermediary service that sends the contents of local logs to a private LOKI instance or Grafana.


A package manager for Kubernetes that enables developers and operators to more easily package, configure, and deploy applications and services to clusters.


Cache forwarder for OpenStack instances.


It offers a simple way to set up a continuous integration or continuous deployment (CI/CD) environment for almost any combination of languages and source code repositories using pipelines, and also automate other routine development tasks. It provides users with a faster and more robust way to integrate the entire build, test, and deployment toolchain.


Data visualization platform displaying data from the Prometheus server.


Monitoring system and time series database


An SDN tool that enables clustered networking and network policies inside the cloud. It leverages a pure IP networking fabric to provide high-performance networking, and its production-validated policy engine ensures it runs in HA.


A tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications using containers. Containers allow developers to package an application with all the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, shipping them as a single package.


A system for automated deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.

Node cicd01

Physical server responsible for running CI/CD tools

Node cfg01

Physical server running service technologies

Node clt01

Physical control servers of the entire cloud infrastructure - the three-head principle

Node ctl02

Physical control servers of the entire cloud infrastructure - the three-head principle

Node ctl03

Physical control servers of the entire cloud infrastructure - the three-head principle


ISO/OSI model


Data centre in Prague
Intel Xeon 2.4 GHz and AMD Epyc 3 GHz
2x25 GE for servers and 2x100 GE for storage

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Software TeamViewer stahujte až po konzultaci s našimi techniky. Nikdy nedávejte své přihlašovací ani jiné citlivé údaje ostatním, jediné údaje, které můžete při tomto řešení potřebovat, je ID a osobní kód v rámci softwaru TeamViewer.

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Download the TeamViewer sotware after you have consulted our technicians. Never give your login information or any other sensitive information to others. The only credentials you will need for the resolution of your problem is the ID and a personal code within the TeamViewer software.





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