Monitoring, Data Collection, Visualization and Reporting as a Service

Visualize · Integrate · Report · Service · Supervise 24/7

Data vizualization in a clear dashboard - any data, any device.

Comprehensive Turnkey IoT Measurement Solution

Internet of Things (IoT) data monitoring, visualization, collection and reporting solution. The software will always alert you about rising temperatures, higher energy consumption and much more. All according to your needs and requirements.

Complete Data Monitoring

Our software solution enables real-time monitoring of a wide range of variables. Delivery, installation and connection of end devices, customization of the entire solution are all included in our service.

Devices and System Independence

Connecting sensors, end devices or communication platforms across manufacturers is a must. We can integrate and connect everything and create one complete solution for you.

Predictive Maintenance + Automation

Monitoring, remote diagnostics algorithms, predictive maintenance - all without the need for manual intervention. Our solution puts you in control of operations, services and entire facilities.

Alerting and Reporting

Of course, there is a complete system of alerting and reporting customized to the needs of your company or an external subject, e.g. supervisory or auditing bodies - everything automated.

What Do You Monitor?

Get A Free
Professional Consultation​

Our colleague will discuss with you your development plans and how we could assist you.

Jan Veselý

IoT Specialist

Choose a Customised Solution

We can help you with temperature, humidity and other equipment measurements for food certification needs (HACCP, IFS FOOD and more). We can also measure the values in your refrigeration equipment.

DASHPOINT will alert you if the value exceeds the required limits. Our solution also includes a ready-to-use report that is specifically for food inspections.

With energy prices increasing, we are able to connect your electricity meters, water meters, calorimeters so you can have an overview of your energy in one place.

You no longer have to manually record anything. Everything is done automatically and you no longer have to worry about anything.

We can help you measure temperatures, humidity and other equipment for food certification needs (HACCP, IFS FOOD and more). We can also measure the values in your refrigeration equipment.

 DASHPOINT will alert you if the value exceeds the required limits. Our solution also includes a ready-to-use report that is specifically for food inspections.

 With energy prices increasing, we are able to connect your electricity meters, water meters, calorimeters so you can have an overview of your energy in one place.

You no longer have to manually record anything. Everything is done automatically and you no longer have to worry about anything.

Do you need to keep track of your buildings and complexes? DASHPOINT is able to track buildings and other important data. By monitoring temperatures, humidity, CO2, VOCs and more, you can prepare a great environment for you and your employees.

Today, a lot is looking at the CO2 concentration in the environment. If you have a headache or are tired, it may be because of CO2.

Do you need to monitor your meeting rooms? We are able to measure the occupancy of meeting rooms, their environment or the energy consumed.

Overall energy consumption is important in Facility and Energy Management, so with our solution you can monitor electricity, water, gas and more consumption instantly. This way you won’t be unpleasantly surprised when your bill arrives.

Monitoring temperature and humidity is one of the most important measurements in logistics. If you have products that have a problem with increased or decreased humidity, there’s nothing easier than reaching out to us and we can help.

Our DASHPOINT system will look at your temperature and humidity and alert you whenever the readings are not correct. Especially in HACCP and IFS FOOD solutions, these values are very important.

 They are also important when you are concerned about the quality of your product storage. It is important to store goods at the right temperatures. You will then avoid mould, loss of quality and other very unpleasant issues.

 We are also now monitoring refrigerated and transport trucks. We install a wireless sensor in your car and you can see the data from your warehouses and cars in one system. We are also able to send you the location of the car so you can safely track your transports.

Industry 4.0 is an emerging sector. Automation and robotics go hand in hand with this theme. DASHPOINT helps many customers in these areas. Our main focus is on the visualization and prediction of your data.

With our solution, you can connect your industrial equipment (machine, car, excavator, truck, for example) and monitor all the data.

Do you need an accelerometer? Or do you need a special device with custom development? Do you need individual software? For us this is not a problem and depends on your requirements. We will be happy to prepare a customized project for you.

We can provide you with all the data on energy consumption, information from your machines, automate your lines and we can measure everything you need.

Digitalisation is an essential part of Industry 4.0. Digitize your documents and you will no longer have to deal with manual filing or writing important information on paper.

Your city can be “smart” too. Municipalities contain a lot of really important data. Unfortunately, this data is still not measured, and when it is, there is so much of it that the following visualization is opaque and municipalities often don’t know what they are looking at.

 DASHPOINT will help you to devise a customized solution for your community. From sewage monitoring, to lighting savings, to monitoring temperature trends, environmental pollution or waste management monitoring.

We are also able to install consumption monitoring in your schools, offices and buildings, wherever it is appropriate to measure consumption. Whether it is electricity, water or gas consumption. We are able to integrate all of this into our system so you have everything clearly in one place.

 Another important feature can be an alert system that will alert you to any pipe faults or excessive electricity consumption.

 Since digitalization is coming to many municipalities, we try to help you with this often difficult problem and always prepare a customised solution.

Drug monitoring is an important part of any healthcare system. Temperature and humidity play an important role in controlling the storage of your goods.

 DASHPOINT is able to monitor this data for you using both wireless and wired sensors, depending on the suitability of the solution. We are able to integrate existing devices or even supply new devices and visualize everything easily. You really do have the data immediately, so you don’t have to worry about your goods being stored in unfavourable conditions. Everything is adapted to your possibilities and tailored to your needs.

 A Alerting and reporting is an integral part of our solution. If goods are stored in unsuitable temperatures or humidity, the system will automatically alert you by email or text message. At the end of the week or month, we will generate a report to let you know all this information.

 We are also able to monitor the transport of medicines and also verify that they are transported in suitable conditions. So you can see where your car is and what the temperature and humidity is.

You did not find a suitable solution?

No problem, contact us to talk about an individual solution



we select a suitable solution


are installed by us on site


your individual dashboard


clear alerting and reporting

We Take Your Operational Data to the Next Level

  • We’ve created one of the most advanced IoT sensor management, monitoring and reporting systems
  • No need for additional applications – with us you have everything in one place
  • We not only help you measure temperature, humidity and other environmental variables, but visualize your current electricity, water and other consumption
  • All data ARE stored in a Czech cloud with a Czech support team
  • Do you need a customized solution? We will adapt everything to your requirements


0 %
automation of reading values
0 0 losses
due to spoiling goods
min. 0 %
time saved during reporting
0 0 court costs
due to bad quality


Don't Skimp on Solutions, Save on Costs


Basic package

From CZK 999

/per month

  • 1 user
  • 1 group of rights
  • 20 items in the dashboard


Standard package

From 1,999

/per month

  • 3 users
  • 1 – 3 groups of rights
  • 50 elements in the dashboard
  • email alerting (1 address)
  • mobile responsiveness


Professional package

Price upon request

  • unlimited users
  • 3 or more rights groups
  • unlimited elements in the dashboard
  • automated reporting
  • alert inventory, export to pdf
  • email alerting
  • SMS notifications
  • mobile responsiveness
  • optional data extension
  • status monitoring and evaluation
  • 24/7 monitoring

Our Customers Say About Us​

Our Customers Say About Us​

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Vzdálená podpora pomocí TeamViewer

Abychom vám poskytli co nejefektivnější pomoc, využíváme program TeamViewer. Poté, co odsouhlasíte EULA a přístup technika, náš kolega má možnost navigovat se v prostředí vašeho přístroje, aby co nejrychleji odhalil, kde je problém. Tento přístup po vyřešení problému technik odpojuje, takže už do vašeho počítače nevidí, dokud mu příště přístup neodsouhlasíte.

Software TeamViewer stahujte až po konzultaci s našimi techniky. Nikdy nedávejte své přihlašovací ani jiné citlivé údaje ostatním, jediné údaje, které můžete při tomto řešení potřebovat, je ID a osobní kód v rámci softwaru TeamViewer.

TeamViewer Remote Assistance

To provide you with the most efficient help, we utilize the TeamViewer software. After you agree to the EULA and the technician access, our colleague has the abilitiy to navigate in the environment of your device to find as soon as possible where the problem us. This access is disconnected by the technician after the problem is resolved so he no longer can see the insides of your device until you aprove his access the next time. 

Download the TeamViewer sotware after you have consulted our technicians. Never give your login information or any other sensitive information to others. The only credentials you will need for the resolution of your problem is the ID and a personal code within the TeamViewer software.





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